Club Management

Start A New Student Group

Can’t find a club that interest you? Then start a new club! New clubs/organizations can be created by any person enrolled either full time or part time at Cincinnati State. New groups need to go through the charter process in order to be formed.


  •  A new organization must not duplicate the purpose of an existing club/organization.
  • Membership must be open to any currently enrolled Cincinnati State student regardless of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, handicap, gender or sexual orientation.
  • The goal or purpose of the club/organization must not be in violation of the US and Ohio Constitutions, nor be in violation of the Rules, Regulations and Mission of Cincinnati State.
  • The club/organization must not provide profit for any of its member or for other groups.
  • Representatives (President and designated advisor preferred) attend the Student Government meeting when chartering of respective club/organization is on the agenda to be discussed.

Chartering Guidelines for Clubs/Organizations

Leadership Positions

Students who have been found guilty of violating the College’s Student Code of Conduct or have pending Student Code of Conduct charges are not eligible to apply for student leadership positions (i.e., club/organization officers, Mr./Mrs. Cincinnati State, etc.). Applications will be cleared though the Dean of Enrollment and Student Development.

Chartering Guidelines for Clubs/ Organizations

Chartering Process

Gather Information

  1. Talk to people about your proposed new club and get a list of names and Cincinnati State email addresses of eight to ten currently enrolled students who have expressed an interest in the chartering of the club/organization. Members must be currently enrolled in classes two semesters of the academic year and have a minimum GPA of 2.0
  2. Identify proposed officers and provide a list to include: their mailing address, email address and phone number. Officers must be currently enrolled in classes, remain in classes two semesters out of the academic year, and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5.
  3. Find at least one full-time Cincinnati State faculty or staff member who will serve as the designated advisor and request a letter of support. A club may also have a designated co-advisor which could be either a full-time or part-time Cincinnati State employee.
  4. Work with the club advisor to complete the Constitution, By-laws and Mission Statement for the club.
  5. Complete the online Club/Organization Charter Application (See “Accessing Club/Organizations Forms” section)

Attach the following to the application

  • Constitution
  • By-laws
  • Letter of support
  • Club President and Advisor Signature Page


Complete the Three Month Provisional Period Report Form (new clubs only)

New charters granted by the Student Government will be on a three-month provisional period.  This form must be completed at the end of that period and must include a report of activities, meetings,  list significant accomplishments, etc. must be submitted to the Office of Student Activities and Student Government.  A permanent charter may be granted, but not guaranteed, at the end of the three month period, if no infractions have occurred.


Guiding Principles for Active Groups

Keeping the Club/Organization Active

  • Maintain eight to ten currently enrolled student members, core of officers (as stated in the Student Government Constitution) and one full-time faculty/staff advisor. In addition, you may also have a designated co-advisor which could be either a full-time or part-time Cincinnati State employee.
  • Membership in the club/organization must be open to any individual regardless of race color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, handicap, gender or sexual orientation.
  • Submit any revisions to the initial Constitution, By-laws and Mission Statement to the Office of Student Activities.
  • The designated advisor and co-advisor of the club, (or if not available a faculty/staff person from the college) must attend all off-campus travel with the club/organization. An Event Travel Form is required before travel.
  • Designate a representative to attend Student Government meetings when scheduled.
  • Submit the Yearly Report of Activities for Clubs/Organizations Form each spring.  This form must also be submitted when requesting funds from the Student Government.
  • Seek and obtain prior approval of all clubs/organization events by completing the required form(s). Clubs/organization may not engage in events without knowledge and approval of their advisor and the Office of Student Activities.
  • Adhere to all policies/procedures governing student clubs/organizations

Chartering Guidelines for Clubs/Organizations

Raffles/Fundraising Requirements

Raffles and fundraising events can be conducted by student organizations if they have been approved by the Office of Student Activities.  Complete the Request for Fundraising Approval Form to obtain consent.

Student organizations need to keep records for three (3) years after drawings are conducted (this information can be stored in the Office of Student Activities). An Event Follow-Up Form is required to be completed and submitted within 14 days of conducting the event.


Requesting Funding

It is important that all club/organizations be self-sufficient; however, as an organization you may request funding through the Student Government. The Office of Student Activities will manage disbursement of funds.

What requirements must be met to request funds?

In order to receive funds, all clubs/organizations must participate in some type of fundraising activity. This can be accomplished through membership dues, sales, etc.  Bake sales are not allowed. Fundraising activities must be authorized prior to any event. The Club President or Club Advisors can receive consent by completing the Request for Request for Fundraising Approval Form.  Once the fundraising activity has been approved and held, club representatives can complete the Request for Funds Form to request funds from Student Government.

A representative from the club/organization must be present at the Student Government meeting when requests for funds are discussed. This representative must not be an elected member of Student Government.

All clubs/organizations must have an account on campus, and all monies must be deposited into that account. The Club Advisor must complete the Club/Fund Agreement eForm to establish an account.

What activities are approved for funding?

Funds may be requested for travel for conferences, guest speakers, student development, leadership training, etc. These funds are monies received from the State of Ohio and there are limitations.

How do you request funds, and what is the deadline?

A Request for Funds Form must be submitted a minimum of three weeks prior to the time the funds are needed. The president and the advisor of the club/organization must sign the Request for Funds Form.  Additionally, the Yearly Report of Activities for Clubs/Organizations Form must be completed at the time of request.

If the request requires travel, the Request for Funds Form must be submitted one month prior to the event.

After funding has been received, what is the club/organization responsibility?

An Event Follow-Up Form must be submitted with receipts along with a detailed account of expenses for all money received from the Student Government. Failure to submit this form within 14 days after the event/activity will penalize your club/organization from receiving future funding.


Charter Revocation of Club/Organization

Any member of the Student Government or the Director of Student Activities must present requests for revocation in writing to the Executive Board of the Student Government.

A club/organization’s officers shall be given written notification of the revocation of the organization and shall be given the opportunity to present its case before the Student Government.

The Executive Officers of the Student Government reserve the right to take up to 30 days to reach a decision concerning revocation.  Charting will be revoked only by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the Student Government.  A report would be prepared and submitted to the full Student Government for a vote.

Chartering of a student club/organization may be revoked for any of the following reasons:

  • Failure to comply with the requirements of the rules/regulations governing organizations.
  • Failure to comply with the Constitution, By-laws, and Mission Statement of the respective organization.
  • Failure to comply with College policies and procedures.
  • Misuse of funds received from the Student Government or funds raised by the club, failure to submit the Event Follow-Up form, or failure to adequately document the expenditure of such funds.


What is Hazing?

Hazing as defined by the State of Ohio in the Ohio Revised code 2903.31 as: “any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization or any act to continue or reinstate membership in or affiliation with any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person, including coercing another to consume alcohol or a drug of abuse, as a defined in section 3719.011 of the Revised Code.

Anti-Hazing Reports

Active Club & Organization Forms

Yearly Report of Activities Form

Ideally, the Yearly Report of Activities Form should be completed on an annual basis in order for groups to receive funding and remain an active organization.  Additionally, this form must be submitted when requesting funds from the Student Government.

Request for Fundraising Approval Form

This form is used to request approval for student organizations to conduct raffles and fundraising events from the Office of Student Activities. Prior permission must be granted to conduct any fundraising activity.


Club/Fund Agreement Form

This form is to be completed by the Club Advisor to establish and activate on-campus account. Bank accounts off campus are not permitted.

Request for Funds Form

This form allows Club Advisors to request funds for their respective clubs/organizations from the Student Government. The Office of Student Activities will manage disbursement of funds.  Additionally, the Yearly Report of Activities for Clubs/Organizations Form must be completed at the time of request.

Event Follow-Up Form

This form is required as a follow up for all approved funding requests to ensure proper use of funding received from the Student Government.  Additionally, a detailed account of all expenses incurred is required with the submission of this form within 14 days of returning from the event.

Travel Event Form

This required form is to be completed by the Club Advisor to notify the Office of Student Activities of a planned travel event.  Club/Organizations may not travel to any off-campus events without receiving approval for the request.

Accessing Club/Organizations Forms

Most club forms are electronic (eForms) and can be access through the Club/Organizations website or through the MyCState Portal.  Users are required to be logged into MyCState to access and submit the eForms.  The following forms are available electronically:

  • Club/Organization Charter Application*
  • Three Month Provisional Period Report Form*
  • Club/Fund Agreement Form (Club Advisor Only)
  • Request for Fundraising Approval Form*
  • Yearly Report of Activities for Clubs/ Organizations Form*
  • Request for Funds Form (Club Advisor Only)
  • Event Follow Up Form*
  • Travel Event Form (Club Advisor Only)

*The Signature Page is required to be completed by both the Club President and Club Advisor. It must be filled out, signed, and uploaded when completing the indicated forms.

How to Access Club Forms

Log into MyCState using your assigned username and password

  1. Click the eForm link
  2. Click the Search by keyword box
  3. Enter the name of the form and click the Search button
  4. Complete and attached all necessary paperwork to the form


Need Help?

Come visit us! We are located on the Clifton Campus in room 204 ATLC.

Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Office hours are extended during the first week of each semester.

Off Campus

Phone: (513) 569-5747