Gov. Kasich reappoints Mark Walton, adds George Vincent to board

November 24, 2014

Robert White
Media Relations/Communications Coordinator
(513) 569-4775 (office)
(859) 468-6640 (cell)

Gov. Kasich reappoints Mark Walton, adds George Vincent to board

Gov. John Kasich has appointed Cincinnati attorney George H. Vincent to fill an unexpired term on the 
Cincinnati State Board of Trustees, and reappointed incumbent trustee Mark Walton to another full term 
on the nine-member board.

Mr. Vincent is the managing partner of the Cincinnati-based law firm Dinsmore & Shohl. A graduate of the 
University of Michigan and its Law School, he serves as chairman of the Christ Hospital Board of 
Trustees, and is the former board chair of the Cincinnati Art Museum, former board chair of the Cincinnati 
Museum Center, a member of the Artswave Executive Committee, a member of the Ohio Business 
Roundtable, former chairman of the Hamilton County Republican Party, and is a minority owner of the 
Cincinnati Reds.

Mr. Vincent was appointed to a term ending Aug. 31, 2018. His appointment fills a vacancy on the board 
created by the recent retirement of Robert McKenna from the Cincinnati State Board of Trustees.
Mr. Walton, a1978 graduate of Cincinnati State who subsequently earned a B.S. in accounting from the 
University of Cincinnati, has been a member of the Cincinnati State Board of Trustees for 19 years. 
Mr. Walton is Vice President & Director of Community and Economic Development for the Greater 
Cincinnati Affiliate of Fifth Third Bank, responsible among other things for Community Reinvestment Act 
compliance in an area that includes Dayton, Ohio and Northern Kentucky. He serves as a Dayton 
Business Advisory Committee member for the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Cincinnati Branch. He 
is chairman-elect of the Executive Committee that governs the Ohio Association of Community Colleges, 
and serves on the Over-the-Rhine Foundation governing board and the Cincinnati Equity Fund 

His new term will expire Aug. 31, 2020.

Cincinnati State ( enrolls approximately 10,700 students and offers more than 
130 associate degree and certificate programs in business technologies, health and public safety, 
engineering technologies, humanities and sciences and information technologies. Cincinnati State has 
one of the most comprehensive co-op programs among two-year colleges in the U.S. 
