Culinary and Pastry programs are accredited with Exemplary status

Cincinnati State’s associate degree programs in Culinary Arts and Pastry Arts have been re-accredited by the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation’s (ACFEF) Accrediting Commission, with the status of “Exemplary” for both programs.
Cincinnati State is the only post-secondary school in Ohio with Exemplary ratings for both Culinary Arts and Pastry Arts degree programs.
Both programs are part of the Midwest Culinary Institute at Cincinnati State.
Chef Betsy LaSorella, program chair for the Culinary and Pastry programs, said, “The Culinary program has been rated Exemplary for a number of years, but this is the first time the Pastry program qualified for consideration of the Exemplary rating.”
Chef LaSorella added, “I’m super excited that we have received the Exemplary distinction for our Pastry program, too.”
To achieve the Exemplary rating, both programs had to meet standards for eight areas: Eligibility, Program Mission and Goals, Organization and Administration, Faculty and Staff, Curriculum, Facilities, Student Services, and Assessment.
- According to ACFEF, Exemplary programs “symbolize the highest educational standards recognized by the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation National Apprenticeship Committee (ACFEFNAC).”
- The ACFEF also explains, “The Exemplary award is presented to programs that have proven full compliance with all ACFEFNAC apprenticeship standards in the last visiting team report along with excellent management of the program.”
Business Division Dean Yvonne Baker said, “The Accrediting Commission noted several strengths of our outstanding programs. Specifically, they highlighted the quality design of our programs, our impressive facilities, and the respect the students have for our distinguished faculty.”