TRIO Leadership Conference provided a day of inspiration for students
TRIO Student Support Services at Cincinnati State hosted the annual Leadership Conference for TRIO scholars on October 5, 2022— the first in-person conference for the group since August 2019.
Students from Cincinnati State and from Central State University’s TRIO Student Support Services program attended the day-long event and heard from three speakers who addressed academic perseverance, leadership, and other topics.
TRIO funding from the U.S. Department of Education provides educational opportunity for low-income, first-generation students, and facilitates services to help these students achieve their academic goals.
At Cincinnati State, TRIO programs include Student Support Services (SSS) and the Upward Bound program at Mt. Healthy Jr/Sr High School.

Cincinnati State’s President, Dr. Monica Posey, opened the Leadership Conference by providing advice and inspiration for the students. Dr. Posey shared personal experiences, and ended her presentation with an admonition from poet Dr. Maya Angelou: “Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath.”
Keynote speaker Ms. Michelle Graves, also known as “The Money Lady” because of her 30 years of experience in the financial sector, led a financial workshop that engaged TRIO scholars in discussing their future financial aspirations and “giving back” to their communities, as well the importance of saving.

The closing speaker was Mrs. Cynthia Booth, a member of Cincinnati State’s Board of Trustees. Mrs. Booth chronicled experiences from her personal journey to success, including what it was like to start college at Denison University when she was 17, and how her career direction changed from an interest in law to an internship in the banking industry, leading to the highest levels in that field.
Later, Mrs. Booth turned to entrepreneurship as the eventual owner of ten McDonalds’ franchises– and Mrs. Booth shared that when she sold her franchises, it was for double the price she had paid for them.
Mrs. Booth emphasized the value of staying determined and focused, even while “life’s happenings” influence one’s personal decision making.
TRIO scholar Bianca Pearson said she enjoyed the conference and commented that it was “rich with helpful information.”
For more about TRIO programs at Cincinnati State, visit the College Access Programs / TRIO web page.
(Reporting provided by Dr. Stefeni Stallworth – Photos provided by Dr. Sandra Dees)

CState TRIO staff and Conference Speaker Mrs. Cynthia Booth: Shelia Bratcher (Interim Director, College Access Programs), Dr. Stefeni Stallworth (Manager, Student Support Services), Mrs. Booth, Arlene Brown (Executive Assistant, College Access Programs), Mrs. Erma Rutland-White (SSS Tutor), Dr. Sandra Dees (SSS Academic Coach)