Online Learning Student Resources
Online Technical Requirements
Many Cincinnati State online courses are offered using Blackboard Learn / Blackboard Collaborate, a browser-based application that allows you to obtain course materials, work on course activities, and submit assignments. Use these resources to determine if your web browser is compatible with Cincinnati State’s version of Blackboard.
Cincinnati State online courses also may use Zoom, which is available to registered Cincinnati State students at no charge.
Preparing for Online Learning
Online Orientation Workshop
Cincinnati State’s Online Orientation Workshop can help you prepare for success in online courses at Cincinnati State, by providing hands-on experience in the online environment.
The online workshop is free and self-paced. It takes 1 to 3 hours to complete, and you can complete the workshop over several sessions.
To learn more, visit the Online Orientation Workshop page.
Resolving Student Issues and Complaints
Students who are enrolled in CState Online courses/programs and have a concern or complaint should follow these steps:
- To file a complaint related to academics, use the Academic Appeals Procedure described in the College Catalog.
- To file a complaint related to discrimination and/or equity, contact the Director of Human Resources, using the procedure described here.
- To file a general complaint or express a concern, fill out the Complaints, Concerns, or Compliments form.
Students should use all possible College complaint procedures before going outside of the College.
- If an issue cannot be resolved by the College’s internal processes, Ohio residents may choose to contact the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
- In compliance with Federal Department of Education regulations, out-of-state students may file a complaint with the appropriate authority in their state of residence, by referring to the list of State Agencies collected by the State Higher Education Executive Officers (SHEEO). This list will be updated as additional information becomes available.
Students can also contact Cincinnati State’s accrediting agency, the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
HLC contact information:
230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1411
Phone: (800) 621-7440 / (312) 263-0456 | Fax: (312) 263-7462 | Email:
State Authorization for Out-of-Ohio Students
Cincinnati State has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA).

State Authorization regulations determine if Cincinnati State is permitted to offer our educational programs to students outside of Ohio. These regulations may affect you if:
- You are located outside of Ohio and are interested in taking Cincinnati State online courses.
- You are a Cincinnati State student who wishes to participate in an internship, field experience, or clinical experience outside of Ohio.
- You are a Cincinnati State student and you move out of Ohio in the middle of a semester but wish to complete your program.
Regulations differ from state to state, as do the activities that Cincinnati State is able to offer to students located in another state.
If you are located outside of Ohio, or if you plan to engage in Cincinnati State educational activities from outside of Ohio, please contact us at before you register to confirm if Cincinnati State may offer those educational activities in your state.
Professional Licensure/Certification
Some Cincinnati State degree and certificate programs, including some programs offered online, may lead to professional licensure and/or certification after you complete the program requirements. Licensure or certification may be international, national, or state-specific.
All Cincinnati State programs that lead to licensure and/or certification meet curriculum requirements for the state of Ohio.
If you currently live in a state other than Ohio, or if you intend to use education completed at Cincinnati State to qualify for a licensure/certification exam or to pursue employment in another state, you may need to meet additional requirements.
For more information, contact the appropriate licensing/certification board in your state, or discuss your plans with the appropriate Program Chair at Cincinnati State, or contact
- Cincinnati State Programs leading to Licensure or Certification and requirements outside of Ohio (Excel spreadsheet listing all states, updated July 2023)
- NC-SARA information for students