Engineering & IT Expo welcomed over 200 students for hands-on workshops & learning experiences

More than 200 students in high school Career Tech programs in engineering, manufacturing, and information technology learned more about higher education and career opportunities, and participated in hands-on technology workshops, during the SuccessBound Engineering and IT Expo, held February 2, 2024, at Cincinnati State.

The collaborative event was sponsored by Ohio College Tech Prep Southwest Region and hosted by Cincinnati State’s Engineering and Information Technologies Division.

Students participated in discussions and workshops led by many Cincinnati State faculty and staff members, along with representatives from the University of Cincinnati, Miami University, and several area employers.

Cincinnati State President Monica Posey welcomed the visiting students to campus. The keynote speaker was Khisha Asubuhi, a Cincinnati State alumnus who is the Marketing Manager at Urban Artifact and the founder/owner of Originalitees, a clothing brand.

The day included a series of “speed geek” tables, where the visiting students talked to faculty from several colleges, representatives of professional organizations, and employers, with a focus on “hot jobs” of interest.

Later, students selected from nearly 20 hands-on workshops sessions related to engineering and information technology fields.

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