Leadership Club showed appreciation to academic personnel

Leadership Club officers and members greeted Appreciation Day visitors – (from left) Jose Villarreal (incoming Vice President), Sierra Montgomery (incoming President), Haddijatou Kora.

On Apr. 26, 2019, members of the Cincinnati State Leadership Club hosted “Teacher Appreciation Day,” which was open to all of the College’s faculty and academic staff members.

The club welcomed about 100 participants with food and beverages, candy, and messages and tokens of appreciation such as bookmarks, kindness rocks, and stress-relief toys.

The club also delivered appreciation gifts to President Monica Posey (see photo below) and Provost Robbin Hoopes.

Faculty member Peggy Rolfsen said, “It was nice to sit down and relax a little during a very hectic week, and all of the treats the Leadership Club provided really made me feel special. I especially liked the card with the personal message– what a great group of students!”

Leadership Club members said they enjoyed putting on the event and hope to make it an annual tradition at the College.

(Photo below) Dr. Posey received an appreciation gift from Sarah Wells (Leadership Club President) and Brittany Bond (Club Secretary).

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