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More Options: E-Books | OhioLINK | Library Catalog | Renew Books
More Options: Films on Demand | Academic DVDs | Popular Movies
Research Appointments
Have a librarian work one-n-one with you via Zoom or over the phone! Appointments may be made up to two weeks in advance & must be requested at least 24 hours in advance of the desired time. Click the button below or go straight to the Online Appointment Request Form.
Library Workshops
Join our librarians for a short, 15 minute demo of our top tips for that week’s topic, followed by optional “open lab time” where you can work on finding your resources while the librarian is right there to help when you need it. For session descriptions & to register, click the workshop titles below or visit the Workshops Calendar.
Video Tutorials
Our Playlists
Watch quick tutorials on our most popular databases, eBooks, web sources (Google BETTER!), & citing/formatting papers. Click the menu icon in the playlist to go straight to the video you need. Problems viewing? Go straight to our YouTube Channel.
Research Databases
Books & E-Books
Web Sources
Citing & Formatting Papers
Writing Center Tutorials
Did you find your sources, but still need help figuring out how to properly write your paper? The Writing Center can help!
NEW! Skill Builders: Interactive Tutorials
Take your research skills to the next level with our interactive Skill Builders! Each module starts with a demonstration video & then gives you the chance to put your new knowledge to use. Upon completing the Skill Builder, you’ll be able to download or email a certificate that can be shared with your instructor, if required.
- Topics
- Developing a Search Strategy: https://cincinnatistate.libwizard.com/f/search
- Finding Books in BLINK: https://cincinnatistate.libwizard.com/f/blink
- Finding Articles in Academic Search Complete: https://cincinnatistate.libwizard.com/f/academicsearchcomplete
- Finding Articles in CINAHL (Nursing & Health Sciences): https://cincinnatistate.libwizard.com/f/cinahl
- PICO(T) for Nursing & Health Sciences: https://cincinnatistate.libwizard.com/f/pico
- Evaluating Sources: https://cincinnatistate.libwizard.com/f/evaluation
- Primary v. Secondary Sources: https://cincinnatistate.libwizard.com/f/primary
- Scholarly vs. Popular Articles: https://cincinnatistate.libwizard.com/f/scholarly
- Avoiding Plagiarism: https://cincinnatistate.libwizard.com/f/plagiarism
- Course Specific
- Online Library Class for Comp 2 (ENG 102, 104, 105): https://cincinnatistate.libwizard.com/f/comp2
- Nursing Research Skill Builder: https://cincinnatistate.libwizard.com/f/nursing
Contact Us
When you can’t visit the Library in person, there are several ways to contact a librarian and get answers to your questions.
Phone: 513.569.1606
Email: library@cincinnatistate.edu (from your Cincinnati State email address.)
Text: 513.275.4466
Zoom Research Appointments: Schedule an Appointment
Chat with us during our Virtual Help hours.
Problems viewing the chat box? Use our “Instant Message Popout”.
If the Library is closed when you contact us, we will reply one the next day we are open.
If you are looking for a specific person, please go the the Ask a Librarian page, located in the sidebar.
Library Updates Blog
Whether you’re taking classes on-campus or online, the Library is here to help you! Please see our Library Updates guide for what’s new.
Library Newsletters
Library Update: The Library’s Annual Report & Newsletter
- January 2023: Vol.10.1 (904 KB pdf)
- March 2022: Vol. 9.1 (862 KB pdf)
- February 2021: Vol. 8.1 (1MB pdf)
- December 2020: Vol. 8.1 (1.34MB pdf)
- December 2019: Vol. 7.1 (1.08MB pdf)
- February 2019: Vol. 6.2 (890KB)
- September 2018: Vol. 6.1(888KB)
- April 2018: Vol. 5.2(550KB pdf)
- November 2017: Vol. 5.1 (1.03MB pdf)
- April 2017: Vol. 4.2 (1.05MB pdf)
- November 2016: Vol. 4.1 (867KB pdf)
- March 2016: Vol. 3.2 (1.03MB pdf)
- October 2015: Vol 3.1 (839 KB pdf)
- January 2015: Vol 2.2 (3.85MB pdf)
- October 2014: Vol 2.2 (2.49MB pdf)
- January 2014: Vol 1.2 (283KB pdf)
- September 2013: Vol 1.1 (623KB pdf)
Library Displays
Stop by the Library in Main 170 to see our current featured items, or visit our Flickr Displays Album for photos of past spotlights.