2014 Summer Mid-Mester Lineup at Cincinnati State

2014 Summer Mid-Mester Lineup at Cincinnati State

Here is a description of the courses included in the Summer 2014 Mid-Mester lineup. The label 
“TAG/OTM” designates a course that carries the Ohio “Transfer Assurance Guarantee” and/or the “Ohio 
Transfer Module” designation from the Ohio Board of Regents. (For students enrolled at Ohio colleges 
and universities, this means students are guaranteed that credits earned in these courses will transfer 
fully from Cincinnati State to their home institution.)  

  • Introduction to Art (ART-110) 

Study of visual artistic expression in Western culture from ancient times to the present. Topics 
include: examining painting, sculpture, architecture, and other media for their style, function, and 
relationship to the historical and cultural developments of the period. TAG/OTM.

  • Interpersonal Communication (COMM-105) 

Study and practical application of principles of communication in human interactions. Topics 
include: self-awareness; perception; conflict; listening; interviewing; verbal and nonverbal codes; 
and cultural expectations and their effects on communication in family, classroom, work and 
intercultural settings. TAG/OTM

  • Issues in Human Diversity (CULT-105) 

A survey of concepts of human diversity and the effects of diversity on individuals and society. 
Topics include: race; gender; social class; sexual orientation; ableism; stereotypes, bias, and 
discrimination; and diversity in the workplace. 

  • Principles of Macroeconomics (ECO-110) 

Study of the economic macro-system. Topics include: analysis of inflation and unemployment, 
government monetary and fiscal policy, aggregate income analysis, consumption, savings and 
investment, long run growth policies and budget deficits, foreign trade flows, and exchange rate 
polices. TAG/OTM

  • Educational Technology (EDU-110) 

A course on using educational technology as an instructional resource. Topics include: types and 
uses of software, selecting technologies for achieving curricular goals, and aligning electronic 
media production with instructional goals. TAG/OTM

  • English Composition (ENG-101) 

An introduction to college writing focusing on understanding the writing process. Topics include: 
identifying audiences; developing a strong thesis; providing sufficient evidence for claims; and 
writing essays with grammatical, mechanical, and stylistic correctness. TAG/OTM

  • American History: Early Settlers to 1877 (HST-111) 

Survey of the formative years of the Republic from Colonial America through 1877. Topics 
include: early settlements, independence, slavery, expansion west, the Civil War, and 
Reconstruction. TAG/OTM 

  • Career Exploration Seminar: Associate of Arts and Sciences (HUM-190)

Students seeking an Associate of Arts or Associate of Sciences degree assess their life 
experience, skills, and interests, and carry out a variety of structured activities (including directed 
reading and writing assignments) in order to set realistic career goals. Students should complete 
this course during their second academic semester. 

  • Statistics 1 (MAT-131) 

A course on descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include: the purpose of statistics, 
univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics, probability, normality and sampling distributions, 
confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. TAG/OTM

  • Music History: 20th Century (MUS-102) 

Survey of major genres in Western music from the late 19th century through the 20th century. 
Topics include: symphony, opera, art song, musical theater, jazz, and popular music. This course 
emphasizes the study of music through the development of perceptive listening habits. TAG/OTM

  • Ethics (PHI-110) 

Study of theories and applications of ethics. Topics include: evaluating moral arguments in 
theoretical and practical situations, applying moral reasoning to contemporary social and cultural 
problems, and making moral choices using examples related to the student’s field of study. 

  • Applied Psychology: Human Relations (PSY-100) 

A course on applying psychological principles and theories to everyday life. Topics include: 
personality, behavioral change, stress and coping, interpersonal communication, relationships, 
gender and sexuality, and diversity and individual differences.

  • Introduction to Psychology (PSY-110) 

A course on psychology as the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Topics include: 
history, experimental psychology, clinical psychology, and human development. TAG/OTM

  • Introduction to Sociology (SOC-105) 

A course on concepts and theories of contemporary sociology. Topics include: sociology as a 
science, culture, socialization, social change, deviance, and major social institutions such as 
family, religion, education, and government. TAG/OTM 


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