Cincinnati West campus is featured in the Harrison Chamber of Commerce video newsletter
Cincinnati State’s Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) program and the Cincinnati West (Harrison) campus are the focus of the February 2023 edition of “Highlight Harrison,” a video news program produced by the Greater Harrison Chamber of Commerce.
You can view the 8 1/2 minute video news report at

During the visit to the Harrison Campus, Gary Ellerhorst (Harrison Chamber Board Member and CEO of Crown Plastics) interviewed Jeff Wright (AMT Program Chair), Kim McMillan (Associate Dean, Engineering & Information Technologies), and College Provost Robbin Hoopes.
The news feature covered components of the AMT degree and certificate programs, desired skills and aptitudes for those thinking about pursuing an AMT degree, job prospects for graduates, co-op partnerships, and future plans for the Aviation Maintenance Technology program and for the Harrison Campus.
“Highlight Harrison” is produced in partnership with ICRC-TV. The program airs on local cable channels 15 (Spectrum) and 845 (Cincinnati Bell) on Mondays at 10:30 p.m. and Saturdays