Cincinnati State professor receives national award for First-Year Student Advocacy

Professor Julie McLaughlin, Department Chair for First Year Experience courses at Cincinnati State, is a 2020 recipient of the Outstanding First-Year Student Advocate Award presented by the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition.

  • Julie is one of ten award recipients this year, chosen from 93 nominations. Only one other 2020 award recipient is from a two-year college, and Julie was the only faculty member recognized, while the rest of the recipients are administrators.
  • Julie received her award at the 39th Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience, held Feb. 21-24, 2020, in Washington, DC.
  • During the Conference, Julie also led a session on “Using Multiple Measures to Assist with FYE Course Selection.”

The Outstanding First-Year Student Advocate Award honors college faculty members, administrators, staff, and students for their outstanding work on behalf of first-year students and for the impact their efforts have on the students and culture of their institutions.

“The rich tradition of this award includes more than three decades of recognizing outstanding work that makes immeasurable impact on the lives of first-year students,” said Jennifer Keup, Executive Director of the National Resource Center.

“It’s an absolute honor to add Julie’s name to the esteemed ones who have previously received this honor.”

Jennifer added, “This is meaningful and well-deserved recognition for Julie’s incredible contributions to the field. We thank her for all of her leadership, work, and service to students.”

Julie said, “I am honored and humbled to be recognized with such a prestigious award. It’s exciting to be in the company of true First-Year Advocate pioneers.”

Julie continued, “I didn’t have an advocate when I was in college, but I always had support and encouragement from my parents. I realize many Cincinnati State students may not have advocates or support at home, and I strive to be that advocate for them.”

“Also, I am thankful for the support I get as FYE Chair from the FYE faculty, Dean Geoff Woolf, and Provost Robbin Hoopes,” Julie added.

Julie is a co-author of the textbook Thriving in the Community College & Beyond: Strategies for Academic Success & Personal Development (Kendall Hunt Publishing) and a frequent presenter at workshops and conference sessions on best practices in First Year Experience programs and courses.