Cincinnati State joined Reds Opening Day festivities

Cincinnati State was well represented at Cincinnati Reds Opening Day festivities on Apr. 12, 2022.
The Fire Services Technology fire truck traveled the Opening Day parade route, with students and other College representatives on board to interact with the crowd (and with Mr. Redlegs).
Then, a group of students from Cincinnati State’s Upward Bound program at Mt. Healthy Jr/Sr High School attended the game.
Tenth grade student Avrie Woods said, “It was a fun experience because I’d never been to a professional sports game before.”
Academic Specialist Allyson Knue added, “We had a good time at the game, even though the Reds ended up losing!”

Cincinnati State Upward Bound is a federally funded TRiO grant program that supports promising high school students from first-generation, low-income families as they successfully graduate from high school and pursue college education.
Shelia Bratcher, Interim Director of College Access Programs at Cincinnati State, said, “The Upward Bound program also allows us to expose students to experiences, events, and activities they might not otherwise have access to, and the Reds game was a treat for our students.”
Cincinnati State’s participation in the 2022 Opening Day Parade was assisted by Debbie Gannaway, the owner of Gramma Debbie’s Kitchen at Findlay Market and a member of the Cincinnati State Foundation’s Board of Directors.